Thursday, December 4, 2008

Message in a Christmas story

What you should do in life

We all understand that some things in life are hard to give up and others not so much. Jacob Marley And Ebenzer Scrooge were and are two very selfish people who only think of themselves. Jacob Marley died with and burden that he didn’t even notice he was wearing around his waist until when he died and was sent back to earth to wander it to try to help people not become like him. The ghost of Jacob comes to speak to Scrooge about his mistakes so far in life and how to become a better person.

TS Have you ever thought how your actions for people, and not for yourself are more important? SD The Ghost Jacob Marley in the story “A Christmas Carol” tries to tell his mortal friend that what he is doing is wrong, and that he should help people instead of turning them away. CM Jacob says to Scrooge that once you keep on being selfish it will eventually catch up to you and you have to pay for it when you die. CM This is what Jacob had to do because he was the same way Scrooge was, stingy, stubborn, cranky and mean old man, and now he has come to tell Scrooge that he needs to change. SD “ I wear the chain I forged in life, I made it made link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.” CM By being mean and only thinking for himself, Jacob had some sort of a “weight” that he wore around his waist and every time he refused to help some one it would get a tiny bit bigger and he didn’t even notice the weight he was carrying until he died. CM The message that completely but simply sums this moral up is that, It’s nice to be important, but more important to be nice. CS A businessman like Scrooge should maybe follow his dead friends advice on changing instead of waiting around being mean to people and until it’s to late to go back.

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