Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hannah's In class Essay

Hannah Staley

Mr. Salsich

9 English

4 December 2008

Life and Death
A three-paragraph essay on my interpretation of a quote from “ A Christmas Carol” By Charles Dickens

OP: “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens tells the story of a true friendship but in a different perspective. Ebenezer Scrooge is a bitter man who lost his business partner of seven years. His name was Marley. Once Marley dies, his ghost comes back and speaks to Scrooge. What Marley says is interesting and really shows how much both of them are committed to the friendship even though one of them isn’t there.
TS: In the play “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, there is a quote that stood out to me. SD: When Marley the ghost says, “ I wear the chain I forged in life” I think he might be talking about his working experience with Scrooge and his life in general. CM: Scrooge is a bitter man, who likes to be left alone. CM: So for Marley, working with Scrooge for seven years may have been a scaring experience, but a learning one at the same time. SD: Also, when Marley says that he “made it link by link and yard by yard” that means that the chain as a whole represents his life. CM: The chain represents how he has made it though the toughest of times and the happiest of times. CM: And through it all he did have Scrooge there as a friend even though it might not have felt like it. CS: Overall, Marley lived a very fulfilling life and was very lucky to have Scrooge as a friend and business partner because he’s one of those people who you don’t think care’s very much, when really he care’s the most (chiasmus).
CP: Scrooge and Marley got along well together and the chain can signify many things. The chain definitely connects the things that have happened in Marley’s life together and Scrooge realized that which is a really cool thing. Scrooge in a way realized how much he missed Marley once he saw his ghost and one link of the chain can represent their friendship as well.

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