Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hannah's Appreciation essay

Hannah Staley
Mr. Salsich
English 9
21 October 2008

Really appreciating what comes your way
An essay on appreciation shown in the essay “How It Feels to Be Colored me” and my personal life

Appreciation is shown in so many ways in your everyday life whether you notice it or not. Appreciation is also shown in the essay “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” by Zora Neale Hurston. Appreciation is something that isn’t necessarily handed to you, but something you earn and are proud of. In both my life and in this essay, you will see examples of appreciation and what it means to Ms. Hurston and me.
In the essay “How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” Ms. Hurston shows many examples of appreciation. One way Ms. Hurston shows appreciation is by remembering where her ancestors came from. She reflects in the essay on what her distant relatives went through, but she doesn’t let it her bother her. As Ms. Hurston says, “It fails to register depression with me” (115). A second thing Ms. Hurston appreciates is her race. She believes that everyone is equal and should not be judged on how they look. At times, Ms. Hurston believes that people should simply “have no race” (117) and be themselves. The last thing that Ms. Hurston appreciates is her self. She seems to be very jovial and loves to go with the flow. Ms. Hurston seems to not care about the small things, but the big picture. Ms. Hurston really cares and appreciates many things in life and definitely takes things one day at a time.
TS: I am appreciative of many things in my life. SD: The first thing I am appreciative of is my family. CM: Without my family helping me, I wouldn’t be who I am today. CM: My family is also like my backbone and I can deliberate with them if I am going through a tough time socially or academically. SD: The second thing I am appreciative of is my home. CM: I think about all of these people who are less fortunate than I am and I fell guilty. CM: I am so fortunate to live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood with nice things. SD: The last thing I am appreciative of is my education. CM: Knowing that I am surrounded everyday by people who want me to succeed in life is a wonderful thing. CM: Also, knowing that what I am learning will take me places and be with me for the rest of my life is gratifying. CS: There are many things I appreciate in life and each one has a different meaning to me.
TS:Through the good and the bad there will always be something to appreciate in life. Whether it’s taking the time to reflect on the past, or caring about education, it will all come together in some way. I believe that Ms. Hurston had a great belief in what she appreciated and believed it was worth being recognized for. I, also feel the same way. I believe that if you appreciate you education, let it show. Ms. Hurston and I pretty much see eye to eye. We both have our priorities straight and really appreciate what life has to offer.

Underline- purposeful repition
Bold- F.A.S.T word


Eleanor said...

I loved the FAST words you used in the essay, they met all requirments. Although I thought that near the end of your first main body paragraph there were a few bits in the sentance that didn't really match your idea. However, apart from that you did a great job!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Eleanor that the FAST words that you used are very good. There are some punctuation problems and also to me both paragraphs read like a list.

Zack said...

Great job writing a nice tight essay fufilling all the requirements. It's more of a style thing, but you might try just writing "Hurston" instead of "Ms. Hurston" all the time. The essay might flow better. The topic sentence to the third paragraph is also, well, boring. That sentence is one that should either transition out of the previous paragraph or into the first chunk. Still a great start.