Monday, October 20, 2008


Appreciation is shown in so many ways in your everyday life whether you notice it or not. Appreciation is also shown in the essay “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” by Zora Neale Hurston. Appreciation is something that isn’t necessarily handed to you, but something you earn and are proud of. In both my life and in this essay, you will see examples of appreciation and what it means to Ms. Hurston and me.
In the essay “How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” Ms. Hurston shows many examples of appreciation. One way Ms. Hurston shows appreciation is by remembering where her ancestors came from. She reflects in the essay on what her distant relatives went through, but she doesn’t let it her bother her. As Ms. Hurston says, “it fails to register depression with me” (115). A second thing Ms. Hurston appreciates is her race. She believes that everyone is equal and should not be judged on how they look. At times, Ms. Hurston believes that people should simply “have no race” (117) and be themselves. The last thing that Ms. Hurston appreciates is her self. She seems to be very carefree and just loves to go with the flow. Ms. Hurston seems to not care about the small things, but the big picture. Ms. Hurston really cares and appreciates many things in life and definitely takes things one day at a time.

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