Monday, October 20, 2008

Eleanor's Essay #4, Appreciation

Eleanor Hilton
Mr. Salsich
English 9
20th October 2008

An Analysis of what Ms. Hurston and I Appreciate

T.S: Appreciation, what does this mean to you? The English dictionary says that it’s a feeling or expression of gratitude. C.M: In French it’s said as reconnaissance, and in Spanish as appreciation. C.M: However the true meaning of appreciation is what you believe it to be yourself. T: To me it’s showing thanks for something impressive or perhaps what you think of some-one else’s qualities or aspects.

T.S: Another person who I believe follow along with this would be essay writer Zora Neale Hurston, who in 1928 wrote the essay, ‘How it feels to be colored me’. S.D: She says, “there is no deep sorrow dammed up in my soul,” therefore saying she doesn’t care about being colored. C.M: She doesn’t think that she was given, “a low-down dirty deal,” in life and that she should be miserable. C.M: Nor does she think that her life is more convoluted than others. S.D: Infact it’s more of the opposite. C.M: She is so content with herself that she says, “How can they deny themselves the pleasure of my company.” when someone discriminates against her. C.M: She says that, “It does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me.” Which I feel would be a true appreciation. S.D: Another key factor to her appreciation would be her bag theory. C.M: She says that she feels like a brown bag among red, white and yellow bags. C.M: All the contents are the same, and “a bit of colored glass more or less would not matter.” C.S: Zora Hurston really inspires you just to focus on your life, and not on perhaps your bad heritage or your color, because none of those things should change or shape your life, that’s your job.

T.S: Although I may not be as content as Zora Neale Hurston, I have also began to appreciate myself and others around me. S.D: The first thing I appreciate is my friends and family. C.M: They have always been there for me whether I know it or not. C.M: To educate me, to make me excited, or just to give me a good laugh, I appreciate them more than anything. S.D: I also have grown to appreciate our earth. C.M: Without it, human beings probably wouldn’t exist, and all the wonders of nature would be lost. C.M: The great oceans, the deserts, the rainforests, the mountains, would all be gone. S.D: Lastly, I appreciate how fortunate I am. C.M: I have a roof over my head, no lack of food or water, many luxuries, and a school that I can attend. C.M: However many people of the world don’t have more than one or two of these. C.S: It pains me to think of that, which makes me appreciate more so how felicitous I am, and also drives me to help the world.

T.S: Appreciation is more than a word, or a definition in the dictionary. We all appreciate something or someone in our lives. If not now we will soon. It could be the world, our race and culture, our families. Who do you appreciate?


Hannah said...

Nice job writing your essay. Your purposeful repition is very well done and adds wonderful elegance to your writing. One thing I noticed is that you didn't put the page numbers after the quotes you used. So be sure to get those in because it would be a shame to loose points on a silly thing like that. Another thing I noticed is a few minor puncuation errors. So just read through your essay carefully again. Other than that, you have a fantabulous essay!!

Anonymous said...

Your paragraph is written very smoothly and seems to be well thought out. Although I feel as if the the 2nd body paragraph and the conclusion are very short because of your use of short sentences. I also agree with Hannah that there are some minor punctuation errors, but they can easily be fixed.

Zack said...

Overall, a great essay. I would though try to fix up the details like Hannah and Olivia said. One of these would mabye be using more words than appretiation or atleast changing what form of the word you use, i.e. appreciative etc. Just look for that sort of thing throughout the essay and you should be fine.