Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Olivia's Essay

Olivia Denison
Mr. Salsich
English 9
8 April 2009


Theme in a poem and what I’ve done that is courageous

Have you ever been hurt by the words of another? Or have you ever said anything hurtful about someone? (ANTITHESIS) If you do not think you have been a part of either of these things, that is out of the ordinary. You have not experienced what I have and what this person in Anne Sexton’s poem has.

In the poem “Courage” by Anne Sexton, the author’s main theme is whether a person has courage to overcome the horrible things people have said to them. In the first stanza, Sexton talks about how “you drank their acid and concealed it” when “they called you crybaby or poor or fatty or crazy and made you into an alien.” The “acid’ that she is referring to is the mean, pungent (FAST) words that people say and are hard to swallow. Even though the words might have stung as they penetrated your mind, you didn’t show any signs of the bad taste they left in your mouth. In the second stanza, Sexton reinforces this idea. She writes “if you faced the death of bombs and bullets, you did not do it with a banner.” The words are immensely (FAST) strong and deathly hurtful, but you did not reveal your feelings. Sexton also says that “you did not fondle the sadness within you”—you did not dwell on your feelings. In the third stanza, Sexton speaks about taking care of your sorrow, maybe secretly. She says that after “getting a transfusion from the fire” you “picked the scabs off your heart, then wrung it out like a sock.” She tells the reader that in order to heal their heartfelt wounds, they must be strong, and nurture their sorrow and try to forget the hurtful things said about them. This is good advice to follow in your own life.

In my own life, I try to exhibit courage by speaking my mind and by coming to the defense of those being hurt. (POLYSYNDETON) Whenever I hear someone saying hurtful things about someone else, I try to defend the person who is being maligned (FAST). I have been that person; I know how it feels to have hurtful things said about you, and it's not a good feeling. Most often, what is being said is not even true, but the rumors spread like wildfire. (LOOSE SENTENCE) I’ll ask "What's wrong with that person?" or "What have they ever done to you?" Usually these questions are answered with a shrug, because truly there is nothing wrong with the person or they haven’t done anything to warrant such remarks. Those who talk negatively about other people are actually unhappy with themselves. They put others down to make themselves feel better. After hearing what's being said about them, a huge wave of different emotions—anger, sadness, confusion--comes over them.(APPOSITIVE) Reacting to these words without deliberation can lead to seeking revenge. Unfortunately, I have resorted to revenge in the past without success. When I was younger, it bothered me when people talked about me. It still bothers me, but I have heard it all before and there is nothing new to be said. Why are people compelled (FAST) to make their hurtful thoughts public? Does it make them feel happier when the spiteful (FAST) words have left their mouth and are floating around? The person that Anne Sexton writes about is like me.

The person who is receiving the verbal assault must remain strong, unbothered by the hateful words of others. Tolerance of a different point of view or a different way of life can overcome such negativity. Perhaps thinking before speaking would prevent the wounds inflicted by these stinging words.


Hannah said...

I really enjoyed the use of quotes in the first body paragraph. I feel as though it really enhanced that section of the paragraph. But, as I read on you used a LOT more quotes too and thats ok but DONT over do it because you can loose the reader. So if i were you I might think about taking out a few. My last suggestion would be to enhance your closing paragraph. Your essay was so strong that it seems as though your closing paragraph is weak. Other than that I really enojoyed reading your essay!
- Hannah

Eleanor said...

GREAT job on your essay so far! I disagree with Hannah, I liked your closing paragraph, it ended the essay nicely and gave me something to think about when I was done. However in the opening paragraph, I find the third sentence to be a little awkward, maybe you could try re-phrasing it. Also in your first body paragraph you say, "deathly hurtful" I don't really think those two words go together well and maybe you should find another word for deathly. Apart from that FANTASTIC job!


Zack said...

Cool. The begining of the first body paragraph. The never ending imagery lets you say whatever you want and we'll believe it. I would though take the two times you quote yourself in the sencond paragraph out. You sound better than everyone else. You can just say that you say those things and not sound so highstrung. Then you say you've reverted to revenge without success. It sounds like revenge would have been good if it had been successful. I don't know how you could keep the unsuccesful part with remaining unclear though.
This is really good.