Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Eleanor's Polished Essay #10

Eleanor Hilton
Mr. Salsich
English 9
January 28th, 2009

My Thoughts on the Similarities and Differences of Two Characters in ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare

There are two characters in the well known play The Tempest by William Shakespeare that seem to have many reoccurring similarities and differences. (Participle phrase, sentence closer) Many of these have to do with the subject of confinement and servitude.

Ariel, one of the characters experiences a lot of confinement and servitude in the play so far, and I am curious how it will continue. The first of these was created by Sycorax, a witch who tormented Ariel for years and sent her to do Sycorax’s biddings which were neither affable, (FAST) nor exciting. Soon enough Ariel was tired and had become “a spirit too delicate” for the work, which made her mistress quite frustrated. She locked Ariel in a “cloven pine” for a “dozen years” until Sycorax died, but Ariel was not yet free. However soon after the death of the witch, Prospero and his three year old daughter arrived. When Ariel was freed by Prospero’s new found sorcerer talents, she pledges to help Prospero for a while out of gratitude. Unfortunately Ariel hasn't had a day off in twelve years, yet alone the year she was supposed to have off some time ago. Interestingly, the seemingly kind and generous Prospero obviously has some dark secrets to reveal. (Participle phrase, sentence opener)

The Tempest has another character in the play that I find quite intriguing, he is named Caliban. He also experiences interminable (FAST) confinement and servitude, but unfortunately has it harder than Ariel. Being born from the witch, Sycorax, Caliban is a half human creature often referred to as the “freckled whelp hag-born”, which doesn’t make his life easy. Before Prospero and Miranda arrived, he was his own king and lived a life of happiness despite his appearance. However, when Prospero did come, mostly because of his form, but partially because of his attitude, he was sentenced to carry logs for Prospero’s and Miranda’s fires, which kept them warm at night. I find this quite unfair, but it seems that a reoccurring theme in this play is inequitable (FAST) judgment and sentence. Caliban, like Ariel has not had a day off since carrying that first log, but unlike Ariel has not been promised one. It appears that Caliban will be carrying logs for the rest of his years, without a break, but I think it seems as if he is soon going to force a change in this apparent life of misery.

Both Ariel and Caliban have similarities, but different consequences that divide them apart. I can only wonder how all of this will turn out in the coming acts of The Tempest.
Graphic Organiser:

Two characters, similarities and differences

1st Body:
SD: Sycorax's wrath on Ariel
CM's: Locked her in a "cloven pine" for not performing evil deeds
SD: Prosperos kindness
CM's: Prospero's unkindness

2nd Body:
SD: Caliban's life is more unfortunate
CM's: born from Sycorax, but was own king
SD: Prospero and Miranda made him merely a slave
CM's: sentanced to carry logs, but it seems is fighting back

different consequences drive Ariel and Caliban apart


Anonymous said...

When ever you write, you have a certain elegance about your writing. you are confident with what you are writing and I know this because when ever i read a piece of writing you wrote I get the same feeling. The opening paragraph could have been a little more catchy from my point of view. I also didn't notice any participle phrases. If there are any you should label them.

Hannah said...

Personally, I unagree with Olivia. I think you opening paragraph is clear, short and to the point just like it should be. One thing I noticed was in the 1st body paragraph you don't need the second comma. You already used a lot and I think you could do fine without it. Also, The 5th sentence in the second body paragraph is a bit unclear to me and can maybe be clarified. Other than that, NICE WORK!!
- Hannah

Zack said...

Yeah, another great essay. You did a great job making everything clear and concise and it was a good idea to make the oppening and conclusion shorter so the reader doesn't get bogged down. There are a few problems with word usage though like in the second sentence of the first body paragraph you say "this" where as if you said it out loud it would have been "these". So check for things like that. You also say "I" a lot and should try to rework those sentences so you don't have to. Come Sunday night this will be perfect.